Goa to Delhi

Goa to Delhi

Sat, Jun 29
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Goa to Delhi Schedule

Goa to Delhi Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Indian Railways SL - Sleeper Class 04:02 - 13:35₹ 1,088
Air India Express Economy #IX31507:20 - 10:15₹ 4,721
Indian Railways 2A - AC 2-Tier Sleeper 08:00 - 12:30₹ 5,855
IndiGo Economy #6E210210:30 - 13:00₹ 7,266
IndiGo Economy #6E209113:05 - 15:40₹ 7,269
IndiGo Economy #6E205214:00 - 16:30₹ 5,837
Air India Express Economy #IX179917:00 - 19:40₹ 4,714
IndiGo Economy #6E231719:25 - 22:10₹ 6,372
Air India Economy #AI88220:40 - 23:25₹ 7,462
Air India Express Economy #IX83023:55 - 02:30₹ 4,974

How to get from Goa to Delhi

To travel from Goa, a popular coastal tourist destination to Delhi, India’s capital city, the most convenient option is to take a direct flight. However, one can also take a train or a bus both of which are cheaper. There are no direct buses from Goa to Delhi, so your only choice is a connecting ride via Mumbai: take a bus from Goa to Mumbai followed by a bus from Mumbai to Delhi. As the bus journey is fairly long, it’s recommended that travellers make an overnight stop in Mumbai or opt for a sleeper bus.

How far is Delhi from Goa?

The distance by flight from Goa to Delhi is 1515 kilometres, while the rail distance is 2014 kilometres. The distance by road is 1874 kilometres.

How long does it take to travel from Goa to Delhi?

The duration of the flight from Goa to Delhi is just over two and a half hours. A train takes from 33 hours to 39 hours. Meanwhile, the total time a journey by road takes is from 34 to 39 hours.

How much does it cost to travel between Goa and Delhi?

A flight ticket costs between INR 4000-6000 while a train ticket in an air-conditioned compartment costs between INR 2000-6000. Meanwhile, a bus journey will cost INR 1200 from Goa to Mumbai and INR 850 from Mumbai to Delhi.

How to get from Goa to Delhi by plane

Flights depart from the Dabolim airport in Goa and arrive at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. To get to the Dabolim airport, one will have to hire a private taxi. To get from the Delhi airport, which is in the outskirts of the city, to the city centre, one can either hire a private taxi or take the Metro.

Are there direct flights between Goa and Delhi?

Yes, there are. But if these are fully booked or offer only expensive tickets, connecting flights are a good bet, too. Many connecting flights have a layover in Mumbai.

What is the flight time between Goa and Delhi?

A direct flight from Goa to Delhi takes around two and half hours. Meanwhile, a connecting flight takes between four and five hours.

When calculating travel duration, be sure to include the time for check-in, security clearance and baggage claim.

How much do Goa-Delhi air tickets cost?

Tickets for economy class cost between INR 4000-6000.

To get cheap tickets, travellers should make an online booking for tickets at least two weeks in advance especially in the peak holiday season. Be sure to check the flight schedule online as flights to Delhi may get delayed or cancelled in winter.

Are there budget airlines between Goa and Delhi?

Yes, there are. If you opt for a lowcost carrier, remember that budget airlines which fly the route such as IndiGo airlines and SpiceJet do not serve meals on board, so carry along refreshments or buy meals while flying. Meanwhile, more premium carriers like Jet Airways serve meals and snacks on board.

How to get from Goa to Delhi by bus

Though there are no direct Goa-Delhi buses, you still can travel by bus. To take a bus from Goa to Delhi, you will first have to take a bus from Goa to Mumbai followed by a bus from Mumbai to Delhi.

Most buses depart from the Madgaon bus stand in Goa and stop at a range of stops in Mumbai. Meanwhile, buses from Mumbai to Delhi depart from various bus stops and typically end at the Khanna market in Central Delhi.

How many bus departures a day are there between Goa and Delhi?

From Goa to Mumbai, there are many trips per day so you shouldn’t be worried. Popular operators include Paulo Travels and Manish Travels.

In the meantime, there is a limited number of departures from Mumbai to Delhi; basically your best net here is Rishabh Travels buses.

How long does a bus trip from Goa to Delhi take?

From Goa to Mumbai the bus takes from ten to 15 hours, while from Mumbai to Delhi, the bus takes from 13 to 17 hours. As the bus journey is long, it’s best that travellers stay overnight in Mumbai to break up the journey.

How much are the bus tickets?

Tickets for the whole bus journey cost approximately INR 2000.

Bus travel tips

For comfortable travel, opt for an air-conditioned coach.

Most buses do not have toilet facilities on board, but buses will stop several times en route to allow travellers to have meals and use the washrooms at highway restaurants. As these washrooms see hundreds of travellers everyday, carry along your own amenities and sanitizier.

How to get from Goa to Delhi by train

If one wants to travel for cheap, taking a train is more convenient than taking bus. Berth seats in an air-conditioned compartment offer the comfiest travel.

Where do trains from Goa to Delhi depart from?

Trains from Goa depart from the Magaon Junction on new Delhi and arrive at the Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station in New Delhi. To reach the Madgaon station, one will have to take a private taxi. Meanwhile, in New Delhi, one can take a bus, autorickshaw, the metro or a taxi to reach other parts of Delhi from the train station.

When do trains from Goa to Delhi depart?

Trains departing from Goa have a departure time either in the early hours of the morning or in the afternoon. Taking a train in the afternoon is more convenient as travellers have time to settle in and sleep.

How long does it take to get to Delhi from Goa by train?

The train journey from Goa to Delhi takes from 33 hours to 39 hours. The train which takes the fastest time is the Rajdhani Express.

What is the price of train tickets?

For first, second and third class air-conditioned compartments, train tickets cost between INR 2000-6000.

While there are cheaper tickets in non-air conditioned compartments, travellers should choose air-conditioned compartments as the travel would be more comfortable; these compartments have berth seats where one can sleep and are also cleaner.

Train travel tips

There are toilets on board, but they tend to get dirty on long journeys so carry along supplies and toiletries such as toilet paper, sanitizer and hand wash.

There are no dining cars on most trains, but one can buy snacks and meals from station. If one doesn’t want to get off the train, they can also buy refreshments from sellers that come on board during long halts. However, be mindful that those with sensitive stomachs should avoid these meals!

One should book tickets at least two weeks in advance; making an online booking is quick and convenient.

Transportation from Goa to Delhi

Facts about the transport from Goa to Delhi

Cheapest Transport$52
Fastest Transport2h 30m
Earliest Departure7:10 ص
Latest Departure10:45 م
Departures per day15
Distance1425 kilometers
Transport CompaniesAir India, Air India Express, Air Vistara, Indian Railways, IndiGo