A fire engine has been draughted in to help at Songkhla Zoo and is being used as and when keepers deem it necessary. A number of other zoos have followed Dusit’s lead and have also made sure cages contain extra supplies of drinking water.
Dusit keepers are also giving some of their charges sweet treats of sugared ice cubes to give them the resilience required to deal with the excessive daytime heat. In Chiang Mai, the problems the zoo’s animals are facing has been compounded by the annual smog from forest fires and stubble burning.
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Thai zoos spray animals to help them deal with soaring temperatures
News in AsiaMajor zoos in Thailand have resorted to extreme measures designed to keep their animals cool as the temperature soars inexorably towards 40°C. At Bangkok’s Dusit Zoo, keepers have installed water sprinklers in the compounds of elephants, tigers and other larger inmates.